Sunday, July 26, 2009

1 whole year

I can't beleive it has been a year since I wrote in this blog. This is about how faithful I am with a journal too. I wish I were better at it.

Well, I officially graduated with an Associates degree with a History basis. I am thrilled to be on my way to a Bible College (God will decide which one, because there are WAY too many to choose from) to continue studies in Missions and Church History. In the mean time, that last entry that I made really spoke to me even today. 1 year later and the Word of God still applies directly to life and reality.

Thankfully the Word of God never changes just like God never changes. He is Immutable. One of my favorite charachteristics of God. He is the Unchanging One, the Unmoved Mover! How Awesome to know in the mercurial world that God alone will always be What He says and Where He says from eternity past to eternity future.



1 comment:

Scott R. Davis said...

welcome back to the blogging world. Hope the journey continues to go well.
May peace be with you greatly.