Sunday, August 9, 2009


What a vacation. I went on a Teen Mission Trip with my church. 47 people went, all camping! We were able to serve the Hornell Bible Church in Hornell, NY. They allowed us to come and work a Vacation Bible School for them. This enabled their church to reach many unsaved people in their community and to strenthen believers as well!!

I don't know how God does it every year, but the trip is always smooth and successful. Many of our teen agers, who do all of the teaching of classes, grow immensely due to the fact that they are in the Word and learning all sorts of patience and humility while working with other kids. It is amazing to see God's hand in their lives.

I think the part that I like the best is getting to know other people from other churches and being able to commune with God without the distractions of home life, phones, tvs...... We got to camp at a state camp ground this year and the view was amazing. We were right on a lake and the weather was perfect. I got a new chaise lounge chair for graduation and I actually got to enjoy it quite often on the trip.

Well, God is the one that gets all of the Glory and my Pastor and his family sure deserve a big thanks, as they are always the planners and really the behind the scenes workers. God is so Good and Pastor McNally's family is truly responsive to God's call on their lives!!!!

What a GREAT way to serve the Lord!!!! I wish that all churches did this. One of the parents on the trip said it best, "I think that our church is so close because of these trips!"

Me too!! Thanks God!!!!!!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

1 whole year

I can't beleive it has been a year since I wrote in this blog. This is about how faithful I am with a journal too. I wish I were better at it.

Well, I officially graduated with an Associates degree with a History basis. I am thrilled to be on my way to a Bible College (God will decide which one, because there are WAY too many to choose from) to continue studies in Missions and Church History. In the mean time, that last entry that I made really spoke to me even today. 1 year later and the Word of God still applies directly to life and reality.

Thankfully the Word of God never changes just like God never changes. He is Immutable. One of my favorite charachteristics of God. He is the Unchanging One, the Unmoved Mover! How Awesome to know in the mercurial world that God alone will always be What He says and Where He says from eternity past to eternity future.

